About the lady bloggers:
GabbyYak: Currently single. Mildly disillusioned. I rarely know what I want... other than wanting the boy to know what I want. (This may or may not inform the way I communicate.) I drink cups of milk with a splash of Earl Grey and I always wear a blanket. Also, I talk with my eyebrows. Faaaaaabulous.
PlainJane: I am the die-hard romantic. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and give it away far too easily, but for some reason keep on hoping (don't let me down, boys...!). I have a strange affinity for Franz Ferdinand and face paint, ridiculous dancing, sharpies, and Shakespeare. I have had flings and a long-term relationship and very little in between, much to my chagrin, and I like writing and rewriting papers, poems, emails, stories, life.
Tiribom: Hayagoin. I reckon I'm the sarcastic misanthrope in this merry band of Lady Bloggers-- a term that makes me think we should all have matching scarlet capes. Anyway... shy, silly, perpetually single & cynical. Current obsessions include wombats, Ayn Rand, and "Lovecraft in Brooklyn" by the Mountain Goats.
IfonlyJamesFrancoworkedatYogurtland: I love my boyfriend but (and?) am extremely opinionated.
Guest Bloggers